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You Can Do It All but Make Sure You Want To

Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed? 🥵

Let’s talk about that for a minute, shall we? 🗣

This week started off my new schedule: two visits to two different doctors, every week until baby gets here. One is for an ultrasound with a high-risk pregnancy specialist, and the other is a two-in-one visit with my regular doctor for a fetal non-stress test and my regular checkup. This geriatric pregnancy thing ain’t a joke, y’all. (Side note: baby and I are completely fine. This is all just precautionary.) 🤰🏻💜

My weekly schedule also includes 2 jobs, preparing to start a new business, writing for a website, social media and a book, recording and editing a podcast, arranging drop-offs and pickups, etc, for two high-schoolers going two different directions, and then all the regular things I’m responsible for, like making sure there’s toilet paper, food to eat, and a clean house to live in (not necessarily in that order.) 🥴

I’m gonna be honest, sometimes, by the end of the day, I feel overwhelmed, I ache from head to toe, and am completely and utterly exhausted. And then I think, “how in the world am I gonna manage all this with an infant in-tow?” 😱

I’ll tell you how: one day at a time, sweet Jesus! One day at a time. 🙌🏼🙏🏼

It’s a lot. 😳

First of all, when I feel overwhelmed, I back up and look at the big picture: 🌎👀

🖤Having a baby at 45 is a lot, but I’m overjoyed by this experience.

🖤Two jobs is a lot, but I love what I’m doing.

🖤Starting a new business is a lot, but I’m thrilled to know it’s going to help so many people.

🖤Writing and recording is a lot, but if it inspires one person, it’s worth it all.

🖤Navigating teenage parenting is a lot, but I absolutely love watching them grow in to young adults.

🖤Managing a household is a lot, but I love my family and my home.

Big picture looks good. ✅

Second of all, when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I practice self care: 💆🏻‍♀️

🤍 I make sure I’m not hungry

🤍 I work out

🤍 I go get my nails done

🤍 I talk to a friend

🤍 I read a book or listen to a podcast

🤍 I take a day to do absolutely nothing

You gotta take care of yourself if you want to take care of others. ✅

So yes, the responsibilities of day-to-day life can be overwhelming, but the big picture tells me I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, and I wouldn’t change a thing — other than maybe hiring a full-time housekeeper and chef. (I also take time to dream each day.🤣)

And the self-care helps me maintain my sanity and not scream at everyone around me.😤

So what’s the moral of this story? 🤔

Simply this: 👇🏼

You can do it. 🌟

You can do it ALL. 💫

Just make sure what you’re doing is what you want to do and what you’re meant to do, and don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process. 💛

You’ve got this! 💃🏻🕺🏻

Happy Sunday, friends! 😇


Christie 🤗

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