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Don’t Let Niceness Make You Unkind

Recently, I watched a video of a woman talking about how her therapist had just taught her the difference between being nice and being kind. 📊💡

In the video, she was crying tears of astonishment because her entire life she’d assumed the definitions of these two things were interchangeable. 🔃

Well, let me tell ya, I could’ve benefited a few years back from a session or two with this lady’s therapist. 🛋 🤓

I could completely relate. 🙇🏻‍♀️

This resonated with me because I didn’t distinguish between nice and kind until much later in life. 🗓

Like, pushing 40 kind of later. 🤫👵🏻

For a long time, I believed pleasing others meant I was kind and not pleasing others meant I was unkind. 😇 😈

I was even told this by certain people when I didn’t meet their specific expectations. 👀

It wasn’t until I became frustrated with feeling I needed to please everyone all the time in order to be a good human, that I looked up the actual dictionary definitions of both words. 📖

✅ Nice 🟰 pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory.

✅ Kind 🟰 having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.

What? 🤯

I couldn’t believe how different the two meanings were. ☯️

Pleasant 🆚 Friendly

Agreeable 🆚 Generous

Satisfactory 🆚 Considerate

The definition of kind seemed so honest, caring and introspective. Nice just seemed a bit people pleasing and inauthentic. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Have you ever had someone be “nice” to your face then say awful things behind your back? 🔙🗣

I don’t think a kind person would do that. 🚫

Have you ever heard someone say “nice” words to convince you of something, only to see their actions prove otherwise? 🥸

I don’t think a kind person would do that. 🚫

I believe a kind person would be genuine, direct, and truthful. A kind person would be less worried about putting up a facade, and more concerned with being authentic. 💯

By definition, I believe it’s a lot easier to fake niceness than it is to fake kindness. 👎🏻

I’m not a fan of faking it. 🙅🏻‍♀️

Don’t get me wrong, I think we should all be nice to each other when it’s sincere. Often though, nice is used to hide the truth or disguise insincerity.🫥🎭

That’s simply not nice at all. 😢

So, now that I’m a bit more educated on the subject, I like to always ask myself the question “Am I doing this just to be nice, or am I doing it to truly be kind?” ❓🙏🏻

The reminders below help me answer that question pretty quickly. 👇🏻

💙Kindness is honest, even when someone may not like what it has to say.

💛Kindness is benevolent and gives with no strings attached.

🤍Kindness is genuine and doesn’t fake it.

❤️Kindness loves unconditionally, without expectation.

💜Kindness is direct and openly expresses truth.

🧡 Kindness is caring and deeply concerned with the well-being of others.

💚Kindness is all about action and not just words.

🤎Kindness says “no” without being mean or feeling guilty.

🤍Kindness is empathetic and shows real compassion.

🧡Kindness doesn’t care who’s watching.

💙Kindness is strong, brave, and speaks up.

💛Kindness sets healthy boundaries and doesn’t enable bad behavior.

🖤Kindness doesn’t lie or deceive others.

❤️Kindness believes in fairness and equality.

💜Kindness is authentic and can’t be manufactured.

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